Sunday, March 15, 2009

Monday, March 16,2009 Live Feed


I am very sorry to inform everyone that this weeks study will be canceled. Many of our members have come down with the bug that is going around. We are however, planning on meeting sometime this week to discuss or goals and purposes for the live feed. We will be back next Monday to pick up where we left off, Lord willing.

Hebrews 13:13 - Therefore, let us go to him outside the camp, bearing His reproach. For we do not have here a continuing city, but we seek a city coming.


  1. Thanks David. As I said in an earlier conversation this is my church and everywhere else is my mission field... so I eagerly await the next post from anyone. Still struggling with Martin's last post, I just don't see the fruit, I only see the leaves and don't think I can bear His reproach.

  2. Martin, what I meant to convey was that your post pricked my heart. I am struggling seeing real fruit in my own personal walk with Christ, but He is faithful. I know in time the fruit will show. I'm so glad you are part of this little group.
